Steel Siding VS Vinyl Siding VS Wood Siding VS Brick

Siding plays an integral role in protecting a home from the harsh weather conditions and also contributes to a home's appeal, architectural aesthetics as well as value. There are various materials used in the making of home siding with the most prominent being steel, vinyl, wood and brick. These four materials offer varying benefits depending on a homeowner's needs and the home's location.

According to statistics, vinyl is the most popular material used in the making of home siding in the US. Made from polyvinyl chloride or PVC for short, vinyl sidings offer durability and low-cost maintenance. The typical lifespan of a vinyl siding is 20 to 30 years. Apart from durable, vinyl is also affordable and is relatively less costly compared to other types of home siding. This is in addition to vinyl siding being highly customizable. This means that vinyl sidings come in a wide variety of color and design options. However, vinyl is not without disadvantages with its main drawback being that it is not the most environmentally friendly option. Also, in spite of vinyl being highly customizable, it cannot be painted on. Thus, it is not possible to change the color or design of vinyl siding. Since vinyl is a type of plastic, it gets damaged by heat. Moreover, vinyl siding gets damaged when exposed to moist weather conditions. Thus, vinyl is not the best option for homes located in humid areas.

Similar to vinyl steel is a highly durable material that does not get damaged easily. Also, steel is a tough metallic material that is resistant to fire, weather and rot. Furthermore, unlike other metals such as aluminum, steel is impervious to hail. Thus, steel is the best material to use in areas that experience heavy rainfall and hailstorms. Another similarity between vinyl and steel siding is that they are both highly customizable. Steel siding comes in a wide variety of colors and designs. However, unlike vinyl steel vinyl can be repainted. In regards to cost, steel siding is less costly than brick siding but costs more than vinyl siding. Also, steel, unlike vinyl, is recyclable, which makes it more eco-friendly than vinyl. Nevertheless, steel is a heavy material and installing steel vinyl requires a lot of labor. Thus, the cost of installing steel vinyl is considerably high. Additionally, steel lacks insulation properties and thus will have no effect on the reduction of a home's energy needs.

While vinyl and steel offer durability and versatility, wood provides a natural and rustic appearance. None-the-less wood also offers unrivaled durability. While vinyl offers a lifespan of between 20 to 30 years, wood can last up to 100 years, making it the most durable siding material. Of the four prominent materials stated in the first paragraph, wood is the most eco-friendly. Wood breaks down quickly in landfills. However, wood sidings are expensive to install and to maintain. This is due in large part to the fact that the world's forest cover has reduced in recent years. Additionally, for wood to last long, it requires regular maintenance. Wood siding maintenance is considerably costly compared to the maintenance of other types of siding.

Similar to other siding materials, brick is a durable material and enhances a home's appearance. One of the main benefits of brick siding is that it is easy to install and is less costly to install compared to other siding types. Also, brick does not require regular maintenance, unlike wood. Once installed brick siding can last for a very long time before needing any kind of maintenance. Compared to vinyl and wood, brick offers better protection from fire and heat. Brick is also sound resistant and creates a barrier between outside noises and the interior of a home. Compared to other types of siding brick siding is not easy to repair once damaged and is susceptible to damage from moisture. The accumulation of moisture causes brick siding to crumble and become brittle. Thus, brick is also not a good material for making siding in areas that experience heavy rains as water causes brick to fade and get discolored.

Vinyl siding can last for years if not exposed to extreme weather conditions and heat while wood siding requires regular and costly upkeep to maintain its durability and holds up well in extreme weather conditions. Steel is eco-friendly while brick requires very little maintenance.

Siding, BlogSteve Arrell