Windows, Siding, and Roofing | SMA Exteriors

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When Should I Replace My Roof?

As a homeowner, you are the one responsible for all the maintenance cost that your home requires. Roof replacement can prove to be expensive and therefore of great importance to get to know whether you need to replace the roofing completely or whether you need to do some minor repairs on your roof. The various materials has different lifespans, so it's of great importance selecting the most durable roofing material when roofing to ensure that you do not get to replace or do regular roof maintenance.

When you can see sunlight from the attic

This is a good indicator that the roof needs replacement. If sunlight can get in so can snow, rain, and cold air can. In the attic also check for water stains and light and if you get to find any you have to watch them when it rains and if these if they change size and shape that means that there is an active leak and the roof needs to be replaced. If the extent of the damage on the roof is minor, the leaks can be patched up but for the larger ones, its best to replace the roof.

When the roof is sagging

A sagging roof is an indication of structural failure, and this means that the problem could be with the attic decking or with the foundation support. However this can be repaired when the problem has not surpassed beyond repair point but when beyond this point roof replacement should be done.

Granules in the gutter

You should not worry when you find a bunch of granules in the gutters especially when you just got a new roof. However, you should worry when you find the granules especially when the roof is 10 to 15 years old. The granules aid in keeping sunlight off the asphalt. When these granules fall off, the shingle gets hit by direct sunlight which makes the roof deteriorate faster. At this point, you should be aware that you may require replacing the roof before things get worse.

Sign of mold, moisture or rot

This can be easily spotted by either discoloration or soft spots on the roof or even damaged shingles. When doing this type of inspection, it is important to be aware because the damage by the shingles is not limited roof but also of the exposed elements.

Cracked Shingles

Typically cracked shingles are as a result of wind damage, heavy foot traffic, falling debris, and Hail damage or storm damage. Trees that fall on the roof can cause tremendous damage to the roof that cannot be easily repaired hence requiring full roof replacement. Few cracked shingles can be easily replaced, but if the cracking is not in a particular area and it's randomly distributed on the entire roof, then it's highly recommended you start thinking of replacing the roof.

Curling Shingles

There are two types of curling, cupping, and clawing, the first type is when the edges of the shingles start to turn upward and the second type is when the shingle edges remain flat, but the middle part begins to come up. Cupping and clawing are signs of weathering and potential spots for leaks. Depending on the curling extend, it is important to start thinking about how to replace the roof 1 to 5 years from the time you spotted the curls.

Blistered Shingles

Blistered shingles provide debate in the roofing industry with the manufacturers stating that blistered shingles are a cosmetic problem and while other manufacturers and some roofers stand on the view that these blisters reduce the roof life. The blistered shingles reduce the roof life this is due to the exposure of the asphalt mat which when exposed relatively fast

Shingle lifting

Shingle lifting can cause water leaks resulting to roof damage which may, in the long run, require roof replacement. Some of the reasons for asphalt lift are, debris build up, high winds that can tear the shingles away from the nails or moss which grow under the shingles and cause shingle lifting.

The above factors are a clear indication that you may need to consider roof maintenance and most likely that replacement needs to be undertaken when spotted.