Windows, Siding, and Roofing | SMA Exteriors

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Hail NO! Did my cabin in Nisswa or Crosby, MN Get Hit

If your lake home or neighborhood has sustained damage from the recent severe weather, there a few things to consider.

1.) YOU get to choose the contractor that you WANT to work with. If you are in what's considered a 'catastrophe' zone by insurance carriers, you may also encounter a lot of people knocking on your door.

2.) Your insurance premiums will NOT increase because you file a claim.

3.) SMA does not charge a fee to conduct an evaluation of potential damage.

4.) If you decide to file an insurance claim to make repairs, you will be responsible for your deductible and any upgrades you may decide to make. It is considered insurance fraud if any company tells you they'll 'cover your deductible'.

5.) The process does NOT need to be adversarial. As a restoration contractor, we definitely want the work. But we believe that finding an honest and equitable settlement can be a win-win-win for all parties involved.

My team has decades of experience working with the insurance carriers in a very professional manner. In fact, we've been a part of the 1st Choice Repair Contractor's network for almost 10 years. If you or a friend needs our expertise, simply schedule a no cost consultation here: FREE Hail/Wind Damage Consultation
Thanks for doing business with us.


Steve Arrell
General Manager
SMA Exteriors & Restoration