Why are my shingles changing color, curling up? Looking rough?

Shingle curling, discoloration, and other forms of wear and tear is a common occurrence in Minnesota. Roof maintenance has become a profitable business for roofers who focus on those who do not maintain their shingles. With the weather in Minnesota always changing, even the most experienced of home buyers have been known to share the same difficulties with shingle wear and tear. Without any logical explanation of the increased withering of their shingles, home owners have spent thousands of dollars replacing their rooftops and shingles. In effort to save the valuable time and well earned and well deserved cash of the home buyers and/or owners, a list has been provided below of side factors, unknown to most home owners, that will typically cause shingle discoloration and curling.

Moisture/Water Build Up

There have been numerous accounts of home buyers and owners who have been guaranteed a certain life expectancy for their roof and then months later find themselves asking 'why are my shingles changing color?'

All shingles come with strict installation instructions in which must be adhered to seamlessly by the roofers and/or shingle installer. If these instructions are not followed with exact precision the potential of water seeping in through the sides and other faulty areas, causing algae or mold growth, discoloration, and warping of the shingles.

Poor Ventilation

A major cause of moisture under the shingles has been known to stem from poor ventilation in certain areas of the house. Over time, the accumulated moisture will produce water vapor which aides in fueling the growth of algae and mold. Given that a majority of the moisture is rising from beneath the roof, the algae and mold growth may remain unnoticeable for year. An abundance of dead algae cells accumulated in one spot on the roof will often appear as a dark grey or black stain.

Chimneys and Other Objects On/Over the Roof

Before calling to test for mold or tearing a brand new roof apart, it's important to first survey the proximate area for potential causes of discoloration. Under constant usage, chimneys have been known to leave a grey or black stain of soot across rooftops according to the directional patter of the wind. Hanging trees, wires, lights posts, or anything else that may be above your roof has the opportunity to drip water onto your shingles or provide and elevated level of moisture. Depending on the object the water is dripping from or what may be covering the certain spot on the roof, stains can occur in an array of color distinctions. An obvious distinction would be a light brown or orange color indicating the oxidization of a metallic object.

Defective Products

Why are my shingles curling up? A question asked all too often by those who have recently purchased brand new shingles and have had them professionally installed. Contractors have been completely stunned at the fact that brand new roofs are needing repairs, and with no apparent contracting reason for the warping of the shingles. A variety of cases have been made in Minnesota and across the United States, claiming faulty shingles from roofing manufacturers. Some of the cases have proven to be true. Keeping this in mind, it may be wise to assure the quality of your desired shingles with a contractor before making a purchase and definitely before installation.

Double Shingling

It may sound obvious to some but there are still a large amount of home owners in Minnesota who have repaired their old worn out roof by simply installing new shingles over the previous set. This is not recommended by any roofer or shingle manufacturer. Allowing the previous shingles to remain on the roof and continue to wear will increase the amount of airflow between the old and new shingles, causing water and moisture to seep in worse than that of the previous shingles themselves. The abundance of moisture and water may eventually cause your shingles to warp and discolor.

Weather Conditions

Some shingles are rated for specific weather climates. Installing shingles that are not designed for cold winters or seasonal weather patterns in areas that demand these traits can often result in curling and peeling of shingles. Specifically in Minnesota, the cold winters have been know to be hazardous on many rooftops. The next time you ask yourself 'Why are my shingles looking rough?' double check to make sure your shingles are approved for the weather climate you are residing in.

Roofing, BlogSteve Arrell